Ongoing projects


  • Certification, InteRnationalisation and standaRdization in cloUd Security; 
  • Research project under the 7th EU Framework Programme;
  • A CEN Workshop prepares a comprehensive overview of all existing standardization activities and legal acts that are relevant for cloud computing;
  • Austrian Standards Institute: project partner and secretariat of the CEN Workshop.



  • Development of a software that supports an integrated approach to risk assessment for the industrial use of chemical substances and to evidence compliance with limit values;
  • Research project under the 7th EU Framework Programme;
  • Minimum requirements for the documentation of risk assessment models were developed as a CEN Workshop Agreement in a CEN Workshop in order to improve the transparency and reliability of the models in practical application;
  • Austrian Standards Institute: project partner and secretariat of the CEN Workshop.



  • PeRformance Operational and Multilingual Interactive Services to support Compliance for SMEs in Europe
  • Research project under CIP;
  • CEN Workshop 75 "Terminology Policy to support generic applications of Management Systems with focus on small Organizations and in a Multilingual Environment (PROMISLingua)" lays down the results in a normative document;
  • Austrian Standards Institute: subcontractor, secretariat of the CEN Workshop.